5 Good Foods for Brain Health

List of Great Foods for Better Brain Health and Brain Function

  1. Dark Chocolate
    Researchers from Salk Institute, California have found that dark chocolate helps improve human’s memory by promoting blood flow within the brain. Cocoa has been proven to contain 3 times as much epicatechin as green tea and 2 times as much epicatechin as red wine. Epcatechin is a potent antioxidant flavonoid, which has insulin mimic action and good for the heart health. It is found abundantly in grapes, tea and cocoa.

    Not all chocolates are the same. Milk chocolate has been found to contain lesser benefits compared to dark chocolate. In fact, consuming dark chocolate and milk concurrently reduce the health effects of the chocolate. The benefits are actually come from cocoa. Therefore the darker the chocolate, the more benefits it provides.

  2. Salmon
    Salmon is a significant source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which is vital in improving brain function and lowering the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. According to studies, the most common cause for Alzheimer’s disease is deficiency of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a type of Omega-3 fatty acids. DHA helps prevent brain cell membranes from losing their plasticity to avoid memory loss and learning impairment. People who frequently take diets with Omega-3 fatty acids are 60 percent less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease.

5 Foods for Brain Health

  1. Nuts such as Walnuts, Almonds and Hazelnuts
    Nuts are an excellent food for brain health, but not all the nuts provide you with the same benefits. Walnuts are the best for your brain. They are packed with DHA, which is perfect for brain development in the newborns; maintain good cognitive performance among the adults and helps prevent age-related cognitive decline of the old-age. A quarter-cup serving of walnuts contributes to almost 100 percent of the daily requirement of DHA.

    Hazelnuts and almonds, on the other hand, are brilliant sources of vitamin E. The vitamin is proven to be effective in preventing age-related cognitive decline. A quarter-cup serving of hazelnuts and almonds are generally loaded with half the recommended daily allowance for vitamin E.

  2. Seeds such as Flax Seeds and Sesame Seeds
    Flax seeds have an abundance of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a member in the Omega-3 family. It can be converted into DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) -- other forms of Omega-3 fatty acids -- in which the brain can use directly to produce and protect neurons.

    Apart from that, flax seeds contain gamma linolenic acid (GLA) -- a type of Omega-6 fatty acid -- which helps to produce another form of Omega-6 fatty acid known as arachidonic acid (AA). Omega-6 fatty acids are essential to produce neurons and to regulate the conditions of the brain.

    Another type of seeds that boosts brain health is sesame seeds. They are an important source of zinc, which promotes brain development, memory and learning. Zinc is good at improving the immune health of the brain as well as driving enzymes to maintain healthy ratio of trace metals within the brain.

  3. Berries such as Blueberries and Strawberries
    Researchers in Harvard University have discovered that women who consume more strawberries and blueberries have a lower risk of cognitive deterioration when they get older. Participants in the study who increased their servings of strawberries and blueberries are also found to be better preserving the brain function compared to those who did not.

    Besides, people with highest berry intake in the long term are found to delay cognitive aging by as many as 2.5 years. The researchers have attributed the cognitive aging delay to flavonoids and anthocyanins; two strong antioxidant compounds that are largely found in the berries.

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