Ximenia Fruit Facts, Health Benefits and Properties 101

Facts About Ximenia

Ximenia spp is the botanical name for sour plum or wild plum. There are 2 common varieties of ximenia: -

Ximenia Americana

It is a semi-deciduous small tree generally around 6 meters in height and having a blue-green overall appearance as well as a typical leaning and scraggy trunk. Its branches are purple-red in color and having a waxy bloom. Ximenia Americana has leaves that grow in tufts. They are leathery, hairless and grey-green in color. The fragrant pink, yellow green or white flowers can normally be seen between July and October but sometimes appear in the period of January to March.

Ximenia Caffra

It is another semi-deciduous shrub. Ximenia Caffra is difficult to differentiate from Ximenia Americana, which is within the same habitats. Ximenia caffra flowers appear either in bunches or singly with orange to red-colored fruit. The yellow or rose red fruit, which has only one seed, ripen a few months later after the flowers have bloomed. Ximenia Caffra fruit flesh is orange in color and edible with a bitter almond-like taste. The Ximenia Caffra fruit is very much tastier compared to those of the Ximenia Americana.

Both varieties are common all over Africa in hot, low-altitude regions from Senegal, Sudan, and all the way to Angola.

Ximenia Fruit 

Health Benefits of Ximenia

  • The ximenia fruit is abundant with Vitamin C and may form an essential part of your meal: eaten fresh, made into jellies, jam and syrup or put into porridge.
  • Ximenia bark can be applied to treat stomach aches, mouth infections and toothache.
  • The roots and bark of both ximenia varieties have a wide range of therapeutic uses while the ximenia caffra leaf infusion is believed to eliminate nightmares.

Ximenia Properties

  • Ximenia oil is an extremely useful hair oil, conditioner and also skin softener. You can soothe the chapped skin by rubbing ximenia oil onto the affected spot. It is specifically useful as a massage therapy for dry skin. The oil is fantastic as a compound in anti-ageing and moisturizing skin treatment products; in lip creams; for use with damaged, fragile and dry hair; in anti-acne products and in soaps.
  • Ximenia oil is additionally applied to daub as a conditioner on the hair. The Bushmen use ximenia oil to oil their bows and strings and utilize it to anoint themselves as it softens the skin. Meanwhile, Pedi women utilize it in preparing common leather aprons. The ximenia oil can also be used to make leather softer and burnt as a torch.
  • The wood of both ximenia varieties is fragant and similar to boxwood and sandalwood. It is hard, heavy and long-lasting and is intended for producing cooking sticks and various other small things for the homes.

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