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What is Healthy Eating Diet?

A good healthy eating habit is generally the one compliant to the food pyramid. It does not mean you need to avoid the foods you love or simply follow the diet schedules to stay unrealistically slim.

It is not about what you eat, but the way you eat it. Basically, a healthy diet plan should provide you three important key elements:

  • sufficient supply of energy
  • good memory
  • stable mood

For instance, if you are on a weight loss diet and it makes you weak by not supplying you enough energy, you may feel hungry and if it further affects your mood, then this may not be an ideal healthy eating plan.

Low Calorie Foods?

Stay simple when it comes to choosing your health meals. You do not have to choose low calories recipes all the way. Rather, eat adequate fresh foods and take less processed food.


Low Fat Cooking?

If you think fat is health risk, then look for good fat to prepare your meals. Look for monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. Limit the intake of saturated fat and trans fat.


Low Sodium and Sugar Diet?

Limit your salt intake to 2,300mg per day. Prepare your foods and drinks with less sugar. Salt and sugar are the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Use sea salt rather than table salt in your cooking.


5 Colors Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables should make up the biggest portion in your daily diet. Eat the 5 colors regularly. What are the five colors? They are:

  • Yellow and Orange - examples: Corns, Lemons, Carrots and Pumpkins

  • Green - examples: Broccoli, Spinach, Asparagus and Cucumbers

  • Blue and Purple - examples: Purple Grapes, Purple Cabbage, Blue Berries and Blackcurrants

  • Red - examples: Red Chili Pepper, Red Bell Pepper, Pomegranate and Red Onions

  • White - examples: Cauliflowers, Onions, Garlic and Daikon Radish

Eating healthily is basically doing your cooking with healthy food recipes and taking foods with balanced nutrition. Make sure you dig deep into 101HealthyRecipes.com and you will never be out of ideas what to prepare for your coming healthy meals.

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